250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com
Invite goodness into your world

Invite goodness into your world





Have you received this beautiful gift yet?

Our hearts live in a transient state and gentle rituals can shift that state.

(Fill in your name below to receive this healing gift)


“How is your heart in this moment, with this breath?”

Look into the mirror and ask yourself this question after you have brought this anointing ritual into your day.

I would so love to hear what the oils,

the intention-setting and the boundary-strengthening brings to your heart in this moment, with this breath.

Is your heart open?

Is it aching? sad? lonely? filled with joy?

craving company?

expanded and filled with light?


What is AFT (Aroma Freedom Technique)

What is AFT (Aroma Freedom Technique)

AFT – Recovering from trauma

AFT is a step-by-step process using essential oils to trigger a permanent shift in how we experience ourselves and the world.

AFT is a tool for clearing traumatic memory.  AFT is a tool for clearing blocks, negative memories and stressful memories. You do not have to believe in the process for it to work and be effective.

Introducing the aroma of specific essential oils at the right point in the process of recall can break apart this memory complex and thereby restructure the implicit learning connected with the memory.  Results are consistent with the most recent research on Memory Reconsolidation.

How does it work?  We use beautiful, healing essential oils as part of the healing process because essential oils affect the memory centers of the brain extremely quickly.

Memories that are stressful or traumatic are stored based on the feeling of the event, not on the details of the event.  The memory is stored as a complex of images/thoughts/feelings/body sensations.  Our emotional learning is based on this memory complex.  When specific essential oils are used at the right point in the process of recall, they can break apart a memory complex and restructure your connection with the memory.

Our conscious mind makes assumptions.  Our conscious mind assumes that the memory creating stress or trauma is the one we consciously present.  This isn’t always the case. With AFT we allow the unconscious mind to access our memories and present us with the events we may have forgotten or have not connected with our current concern.

AFT is an amazing tool to use as part of intuitive counselling.  We honor what arises in each session regardless of what it is.   Sometimes the events that are recalled seem unrelated but it’s the energetic imprint of that event we are healing.

What’s really in our beauty products?

What’s really in our beauty products?

This graphic was found on Dr. Mercola’s site.

So many products created for our personal care by big companies are created with toxics and endocrine disruptors.

I have known all this for a long time but it wasn’t until a year ago that I really, really, really took a very close look at my cosmetics and shampoo.  I have found that the natural products sometimes are quite honestly, terrible in terms of performance.  They don’t hurt me but they don’t work well either.

It wasn’t until I began to experiment with Young Living’s Savvy Mineral make up that I discovered vegan, plant-based products could be FABULOUS!  I won’t write a whole lot about them here today but I will in a few weeks.

Today, take a look at this list below of what to be wary of.

Go check your personal care products…see what is listed on the ingredients!

personal care products

What is energy medicine?

What is energy medicine?

Consider this:  We don’t HAVE energy, we ARE energy!

Your being consists of more than its physical presence.

Your experiences from babyhood and throughout your life are held in the memory centers of your brain AND ALSO as flowing or congealed energy in your physical, emotional and subtle energy bodies.

In other words, the stories of your life, your attitudes, beliefs and perspectives are held in the muscles and organs of your body AND ALSO those invisible energy fields emitted from your physical body called subtle energy bodies and auric bodies.

Everything gets stored!  The good stories and the not-so-good stories.

Sometimes the way we hold our stories and experiences causes us illness, stress, pain, depression, anxiety (and more…).  We can get caught in downward spirals.

In the past our technology wasn’t sophisticated enough to measure changes in our energetic system and now it is.  There are studies and courses focussed solely on the science behind the effectiveness of energy healing modalities like EFT, Reiki, meditation, acupuncture and yoga.  Increasingly, energy medicine is being recommended as a wellness tool for both mental, physical and spiritual health.

Energy medicine can look like:

  • a reframe of our stories
  • a combination of tapping on the meridians of the body while speaking about the things that are distressing you
  • the use of pure, potent essential oils to stimulate the limbic system (which is connected to the memory centers of the brain) to shift the way a memory is stored so it no longer causes you distress
  • a trance or guided meditation
  • prayer
  • mindfulness practices
  • the use of tuning forks touching our spine to stimulate the chakra centers
  • the use of entrainment to bring you to a healing breath rate through rhythm or vibration
  • hands-on healing
  • reiki
  • intuitive energy massage (which includes reiki, white light healing, chakra balancing, cranial sacral and gentle body pulling)
  • quantum touch
  • Body Talk
  • feathering your aura
  • aromatherapy
  • yoga
  • a long walk
  • acupuncture
  • massage
  • conscious speech
  • singing
  • toning
  • color therapy
  • crystal healing
  • a salt bath infused with organic, specially blended essential oils designed to bring balance to your chakra system
  • space clearing
  • the practice of feng shui

Energy medicine practitioners and energy healers are trained in their respective modalities.  They can help you very quickly bring awareness to the energetic sources of your distress, illness, frustration, painful emotion.  Sometimes your awareness is unnecessary.  Sometimes the healing work can be done remotely.  Sometimes just your willingness to show up and allow your healing guide to work their magic by bringing peace to your physical and energetic systems is all is takes.

I have been learning, training and practicing energy healing for years.

If you would like support to bring healing to some aspect of your life, give yourself permission to ask for help and to be well, whatever that looks like for you.

Connect with me by email (below).

My Next Chapter

My Next Chapter

In the last couple of years, I became a mom to a little girl who’s birth mom passed away from cancer.
When the responsibility for this beautiful little girl’s health and well-being became my everyday reality, I was highly motivated to revisit all the choices I’d previously made around cleaning products and self care products to ensure I was creating a healthy home for my daughter, her father and I and all our pets.
I didn’t know at the time I purchased my essential oils starter kit,  that Young Living had created an entire world of nourishing, healthy, life-giving products for literally every part of your life.  Cleaning products, make up, nutritional supplements, baby care, personal + beauty care all infused with essential oils and created without the terrible ingredients we are all trying to avoid in our modern times.

In 2017 I decided to try building my own essential oils business.

I have watched other women create vibrant oil businesses, making money, working on their own schedules and creating a residual income for themselves and their families.

I’m so glad I decided to try!  I discovered I love the social connection with others and sharing ways I use these oils helps other families create cleaner, greener homes and happier, healthier bodies, minds and spirits.

My essential oil business is growing everyday.  If creating additional monthly income feels interesting to you and you have questions about how to get started, please contact me.  I would be so very happy to share my journey with you.


I had NO intention of starting (another) business when I purchased my first essential oils starter kit, but I did.  I loved the oils so much, I could not stop talking about them and how much beauty and vibrance and honestly…relief…they were bringing into my life.
I share within my community circles because it feels like a disservice to NOT share.   My social circle is growing because of my work with Young Living and I have a community of  new friends who love the oils as much as I do.