250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com
Shhhhh….listen to your intuition

Shhhhh….listen to your intuition

Can you hear your intuition??

Your eyes, your heart, your gut…they know what’s coming before your brain does.

Pay attention when you have a “gut feeling”!

It’s not just a saying.

Your nervous system includes your gut and is your second brain.

This second brain processes information and sends signals to your first brain.

So when you feel something in your gut, pay attention… it’s your intuition.


Your Intuitive Brain Is Fast

Your intuitive brain processes information at 11 million bits per second.

Your conscious mind is slow at 40 bits per second.

So when you get that instant “knowing,” your really should trust it.

Your intuition has already decided while your conscious mind has not even booted up yet.


SUPERPOWER Pattern Recognition

Your subconscious mind is constantly taking in and processing information.  It recognizes patterns you’re not even aware of. Things you’ve seen and heard and felt but don’t consciously remember.

When your intuition lights up, it’s drawing on a vaaaast database of all your experiences and everything you know.


In the somatic healing world, your breath and your awareness are your super powers

Next time you have to make a decision or you’re in a jam, try this:

1. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

2. Ask yourself the question, the thing you need an answer for.

3. Pay attention to the first sensation in your body or that thing that pops into your mind.

That’s your intuition talking.

It’s safe to listen.


If you know you want to cross that next threshold in your business and in your life,

and you KNOW you need to strengthen your connection to that wisest part of yourself,

contact me today. 

Follow that intuitive nudge right now and set up a conversation with me.  Let’s see if I can be the support you need to move forward in your life or your business.

The Intuitive Content Creation Challenge for Business Owners, Creators + Marketers

The Intuitive Content Creation Challenge for Business Owners, Creators + Marketers

The Intuitive Content Creation 5-day Challenge


Your intuition is more powerful than your intellect.


I know you know this but you’ve forgotten.


Remember…your heart is the operating center of your intuition and it sends messages to your brain almost instantly.


Science tells us this as fact and yet you are still likely trying to create content and social media posts relying solely on your mental capacities.

This challenge will help propel you back into leaning on your intuition (not your fear…not your logical mind) and increase your trust in your intuition for content creation.


Click the button below and I’ll send you this amazing Intuitive Content Creation Challenge!

The Clutter, Be Gone! Challenge

The Clutter, Be Gone! Challenge

This is an amazing challenge that will help you create a sanctuary of peace in your home.

It’s not an accident you’re on this page reading this right now. 

This challenge is for you if…

-you see too much stuff in your home

-you open cupboards and don’t really see what’s inside them

-you feel a bit blocked around what to do first to declutter your home

This FREE challenge can help you get started.

Click the button below and get started!


It’s not always easy to describe

It’s not always easy to describe

It’s not always easy to describe what I do as a soul coach.


But it’s tangible work (see…I’m rolling up my sleeves)

with tangible outcomes for you

(you expand, release, complete, create, intuit, activate, let go, grow, rest, receive)




When you’re at a threshold,
facing upper limits,
visibility fears,
shadow influences,
in need of energy healing, mindset coaching and sensitive leadership,
I’m that someone you’ll want as an engaged and present partner.

My work as a soul coach is to
empower your fierce, soulful, creative, gifted self

And to bring along a quantum healing tool kit
for when you’ve lost your fierce-ness and feel deeply mired

I’m here
when you’re looking for safety in order to take risks

I’m here
holding compassionate space for you when you are moving in and out of ‘freeze’ or ‘collapse’

AND I’m here
when you are in magnetic flow
living with miracles, an abundance of divine downloads, courage, ease, spaciousness and joy

Soul coaching enlivens
your creative self
your human self
your inner being

When you’re at a threshold in your business,
bored, confused, procrastinating,
angry, grieving,
I’m the one you’ll be glad you have access to as you navigate this limnal space.

It’s not always easy to describe how I facilitate your journey but it’s tangible work with tangible outcomes.

Come talk more with me about you.

Inquiry Calls are free and the link is here!

xo Susan

What makes me different?

What makes me different?











I think tough love creates a bed of trauma that ultimately will slow us down, both in my work with you and in your life going forward.

I ask myself how can I contribute to making the world a place where creatives and entrepreneurs can thrive?


This is what makes working with me different from a typical business, life or creativity coach…


  • I hold space for you to process, question, create your vision (NOT a tough love approach)
  • I offer energy healing and energy alchemy service as a regular part of your program
  • I am trauma informed so my responses can support you to get unstuck when you’re triggered
  • I create an intensely safe space for you. You can say what you actually need to say and feel the healing effects of being heard and seen without judgment
  • I create a coaching container designed for miracles, free of shame, criticism, bullying.
  • I address patriarchal influence in your life by becoming aware of its influence and choosing to starve those tentacles and nourish your soul’s needs instead


‍♀️ Soul coaching for women in business is not for every woman in business, but if you are someone who is wondering if I’m the right soul coach for you at this time in your business, come chat. 

Book an Embodied Soul Call here.

xo Susan

Even before you lived in your mother’s womb

Even before you lived in your mother’s womb

I believe you have a shining light, an inner brilliance, a fearless and joyful heart that existed even before you lived in your mother’s womb.


I believe you can heal the imprints of rejection, criticism, failure and loss so the energy of renewal courses through every cell of your being.


I believe your body has a wisdom that protects you in your hardest moments. Your body stores memories and feelings. It keeps track of the traumas it has lived through, safeguarding them for you until you are ready to dissolve those holding patterns and be free.


I believe in the realm of subtle energies, God, the quantum field, synchronicities, ancestors and the unseen.


These are our allies as much as our teachers, parents, mentors and coaches.


Everything is created in this invisible realm before it appears in our physical world. Your own healing, creative projects, artwork, friendships, opportunities, relationships, businesses, communities and every other miracle all flow from the invisible realm.


I believe your soul is an eternal presence as timeless as the stars. It is your highest, wisest, most compassionate self and every time you take loving responsibility for connecting to that presence, the universe rearranges itself in miraculous ways for your benefit.


I believe you are your own transformational catalyst. When you give yourself permission to change, you create a new experience of life. Be endlessly permissive in this way.


I believe in you.


I believe in your ability to take responsibility for creating the miracles you’ve been searching for.


I love partnering with clients who want to instigate growth from these beliefs. This is our most productive and limitless way of growing your life or your business.


I invite you to book an Embodied Soul Call with me. 

love, Susan xo

Thanks to Kevin Light for this amazing pic of me in the freezing waters at sunrise on Willows beach.