Soul Coaching + Luminous Feng Shui
Parts Exploration
Nervous System Care
I offer a creative partnership that nourishes
your heart
your home
your tranformation in life & business
I know you’re someone who walks through life heart-first
You honor your dreams, desires + your feelings as a way to tend to your soul
You’re ready to invite an experienced soul coach to partner with you on your dreams and projects.
This is how I can help
Consider how your soul is speaking to you right now.
Usually it’s our feelings that get our attention first. Sometimes it’s a dream or intuitive knowing. You can trust your personal energy system however it speaks to you.
I help you unwind + de-energize sensations that are creating a negative charge for you.
I help you amplify the positive change you are craving.
Feng Shui opens your heart and supports you to bring your dreams to life!
Imagine a resurgence of creative energy in your work.
Imagine moving through your days with greater inner peace.
Imagine feeling luminous every time you walk into your home.
Imagine relationships feeling joyful, passionate, connected.
I focus on transformation through soul work + a luminous modern practice of feng shui.
I can help. It’s what I do.
You’re one click away from beginning a lighter approach to life.
Gratitude and Acknowledgement
I live, work and play on the unceded traditional territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples and the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples.
Every day I deepen my spiritual connection with this land, swimming at dawn in the Salish Sea and offering blessings to the animals, the community and myself. I am so happy and grateful for my life here.