250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com

AFT – Recovering from trauma

AFT is a step-by-step process using essential oils to trigger a permanent shift in how we experience ourselves and the world.

AFT is a tool for clearing traumatic memory.  AFT is a tool for clearing blocks, negative memories and stressful memories. You do not have to believe in the process for it to work and be effective.

Introducing the aroma of specific essential oils at the right point in the process of recall can break apart this memory complex and thereby restructure the implicit learning connected with the memory.  Results are consistent with the most recent research on Memory Reconsolidation.

How does it work?

We use beautiful, healing essential oils as part of the healing process because essential oils affect the memory centers of the brain extremely quickly.

Memories that are stressful or traumatic are stored based on the feeling of the event, not on the details of the event.

The memory is stored as a complex of images/thoughts/feelings/body sensations. 

Our emotional learning is based on this memory complex.

When specific essential oils are used at the right point in the process of recall, they can break apart a memory complex and restructure your connection with the memory.

Consider this.  Our conscious mind makes assumptions.

Our conscious mind assumes that the memory creating stress or trauma is the one we consciously present.

This isn’t always the case.

With AFT we allow the unconscious mind to access our memories

and present us with the events we may have forgotten

or have not connected with our current concern.

AFT is an amazing tool to use as part of intuitive counselling.

We honor what arises in each session regardless of what it is.   Sometimes the events that are recalled seem unrelated but it’s the energetic imprint of that event we are healing.