250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com
Tub Scrub Recipe Non-toxic Cleaning

Tub Scrub Recipe Non-toxic Cleaning

The cleaners you are using  in your home are affecting your health and your mood.  They impact your endocrine system and can impact your  intuitive energetic systems.

Thieves Cleaner is THE best non-toxic cleaner I have tried.  Also, the lowest cost and most effective.

I contacted Young Living corporate office to find out if hospitals use this.  They confirmed that hospitals do use it but it’s confidential which ones do.

It’s plant-based, non-toxic and smells amazing.

It’s concentrated

You are in control of how strong to make it.

1.  Using a glass spray bottle or PET plastic spray bottle
2.  Pour 1 capful cleaner into the bottle + add water
3.  Cleaning glass, add a tbsp of vinegar

I have used Thieves Household Cleaner on everything.  We only have one bottle of cleaner in our cupboards now…no more toxic anything anywhere AND I know it’s not just making things smell nice, it’s disinfecting.

Thieves Cleaner cleans

  • showers
  • tile
  • glass doors
  • windows
  • sinks
  • toilets
  • floors
  • walls
  • fridge
  • children’s rooms & toys
  • cars
  • doors
  • countertops
  • stoves
  • as a jewelry soak (not for soft crystals please)
  • stain remover for stains on the sofa (it really works)
  • removing Sharpie marker off toys + other surfaces (I added lemon essential oil to increase the strength)


You can contact me HERE to get help ordering your own bottle (costs less than $30 for many months supply).

Or order your own HERE.

The School of Intention

The School of Intention






Feng shui is based on the principles in the Li Shu or Book of Rites, which decrees the basic priniciples of Chinese religious beliefs, with its focus on order, harmony between the heavens and earth and the adherence to a structure that will help humanity maintain the balance of nature.  (The School of Intention, Dana Claudat)

The School of Intention takes these classical principles and infuses them with modern science, modern psychology and the beautiful world of Intention…the empowerment of believing in infinite possiblity.

Our work together starts with intention.


It starts with the desire to know that everything is possible and we can create our own lives. 


The School of Intention is definitely not rooted in predictive models, mysticism or religious practices.  We are not using compasses.  We are not dealing with lucky and unlucky in determining luck or fortune.

I’ve dipped my toes into so many feng shui worlds and it wasn’t until I connected with The School of Intention, that I could feel my entire body relax.  This was a model of feng shui practice I could feel aligned with.

I don’t believe in LUCK – I believe in YOU.

The more that we believe in ourselves, the more we know that we “create” luck.  (D. Claudat)

The School of Intention

Did you know Feng Shui was used by the ancient Chinese to find the perfect grave site?






It’s true.  The roots of feng shui were established over 6.000 years ago, growing out of the world of spirit and protection.

Modern archeologists have found feng shui symbols in graves and tombs of ancient China that show this search for the perfect  burial location.

At the time, it was very important to find a burial location that would not be negatively affected by the elements of water and wind (feng shui translates to water and wind).

Today, we use feng shui to create a more harmonious home BEFORE we die!  The way you and I will work together connects you to your dreams and desires.  We step into your home with the intention to become aware of what you may not be aware of.  We’ll shine a light on whatever it is you want to create in your life and YOU will use the power of your home and environment to bring those dreams into reality.