250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com

The cleaners you are using  in your home are affecting your health and your mood.  They impact your endocrine system and can impact your  intuitive energetic systems.

Thieves Cleaner is THE best non-toxic cleaner I have tried.  Also, the lowest cost and most effective.

I contacted Young Living corporate office to find out if hospitals use this.  They confirmed that hospitals do use it but it’s confidential which ones do.

It’s plant-based, non-toxic and smells amazing.

It’s concentrated

You are in control of how strong to make it.

1.  Using a glass spray bottle or PET plastic spray bottle
2.  Pour 1 capful cleaner into the bottle + add water
3.  Cleaning glass, add a tbsp of vinegar

I have used Thieves Household Cleaner on everything.  We only have one bottle of cleaner in our cupboards now…no more toxic anything anywhere AND I know it’s not just making things smell nice, it’s disinfecting.

Thieves Cleaner cleans

  • showers
  • tile
  • glass doors
  • windows
  • sinks
  • toilets
  • floors
  • walls
  • fridge
  • children’s rooms & toys
  • cars
  • doors
  • countertops
  • stoves
  • as a jewelry soak (not for soft crystals please)
  • stain remover for stains on the sofa (it really works)
  • removing Sharpie marker off toys + other surfaces (I added lemon essential oil to increase the strength)


You can contact me HERE to get help ordering your own bottle (costs less than $30 for many months supply).

Or order your own HERE.

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