250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com


Use the Money Priestess ™ Cards to

receive guidance & activate

your new identity & relationship with money


Why the Pink Feather?
In many cultures feathers are worn on the head to facilitate healing powers of prayer, meditation and visioning.

Feathers are reminders of angels, light-beings and for a Money Priestess, a symbol of the connection between Soul and Body.


In the Money Priestess Program (click here for info)

our healing & activation work revolves around the

9 core beliefs in this card deck.


1. CHOOSE: Bring your body to stillness.  Breathe deeply.  Click on the Pink Feather to choose a card.

2. REFLECT: Below the card deck are excerpts from The Guidebook to support your release of judgments, fears & memories creating blocks to your prosperity.  Complete the Journal Prompts for that card.

3. ACTIVATE: Choose new beliefs that support your personal power. Decide what those beliefs will be. Write them out and let your new belief become a driving force in your life.

How To Use The Guidebook

If you’re ready to activate the message of the card you received today,

complete the journal prompts shared below from the original Heal & Prosper Guidebook.

Scroll through the images below and find the card you received today.

There are 9 cards listed alphabetically.

  1. Before the Womb
  2. Catalyst
  3. Ease & Grace
  4. Eternal Presence
  5. Expectation
  6. Imprints
  7. Responsibility
  8. Spirit Team
  9. Wisdom of the Body


Activate a new identity. 

Create a new money story.


Card #1 Before the Womb

If you received this card today, you need the medicine of your own eternal light.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts


1. Can you imagine yourself without a body existing as a shining light…and sense your own inner brilliance?How does it feel? What do you see?

2. How can you maintain a connection with that aspect of your being?  Who are you when you are the light?

3. If you ARE that shining light with an inner brilliance, how do you see your money situation?

4. What veils have been placed over you in life that have dimmed your light?  How will you show that you are no longer wearing that veil?

5. If you gave yourself permission to channel the vibrant energy of your own eternal light, what attitude would you have….

toward the existence of money?
toward creating a more prosperous future?
toward money challenges?
toward saving and multiplying money?
toward your mistakes with money?
toward financial miracles?

Card #2 – The Catalyst

If you received this card today, it’s time to update your identity as a person of wealth and prosperity.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts


1. What are you enduring or putting up with (in any area of your life)? Where are you TOO patient and understanding?

2. What is the current state of your finances? Is this state reflective of a new version of yourself or an old out-dated version of yourself?

3. Are you giving yourself permission to be someone new? Or do you fall into old thoughts, old routines (especially around money)?  How can you update your identity today?

4. You are mystically, spiritually powerful!  Your decision to make changes is THE thing that changes your circumstances.  What can you do today to give yourself permission to be the person who has the habitual thoughts you  know you need to have?

5. Where are you withholding permission for your own best life?  Examples: Permission to drive a different car, build a business, take time off, declutter, rearrange furniture, write the book, choose a new friendship, be unavailable for certain behaviours from anyone.

Card #3 – Ease & Grace

If you received this card today, it’s time to literally stop everything you’re doing

and visualize large sums of money coming quickly and easily under grace for the highest good of all concerned. 

If you have trouble doing that, complete the journal prompts below.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts


1. Is there some underlying fear of a negative consequence to you receiving large sums of money?

2. If you have thoughts or impulses that criticize this affirmation or push it away somehow, invite those thoughts and impulses to participate.  Pour them out onto paper so you can see what they are.

3.  Let them exist. Focus on them and see if you can find where they are living in your body.  When you find the energy of push-back living in your body, sit with it.  Notice it.  Don’t push it away.  Let it relax and find a safe place within you to live.  It’s probably been running and trying to hide your whole life.  When you give it space, you change your experience of hosting that feeling and make room for new feelings that can welcome large sums of money.

4. Invite Grace into your life. It’s hovering close and will respond to invitations. Can you relax into the idea of Grace for your highest good and that the Universe is a hospitable place responding to your persistent beliefs?

Card #4 – Eternal Presence

If you received this card today, know there is a solution for any problem, fear or anxiety you are facing.

Be willing to soften your heart & allow yourself to connect with the medicine of your own soul.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts


1. If it’s true that the Universe can rearrange itself in your best interest right now…what can you ask for?  what do you need?   Complete this sentence. It would be amazing if…….

2. Do you regularly create space to sit within your own energies?  Do you clear out the energies of others?  It’s a basic energy hygiene habit that clears the mind and allows you to make decisions from a calm, clear, more creative place.

3. If your mind is the center of divine organization, how often do you allow yourself to use the creative power of your mind? Multiple times a day?  Once a month? Can you increase the frequency that you use your mind to draw in your dreams?

Card #5 – Expectation

If you received this card today, it’s a reminder that your expectations matter.

Attune to the inner self who knows she can do the things she sets her mind to. Bring THAT energy to your visualizations and your unsolvable problems.

What is the energy of expectation?

You expect to wake up every day. You expect the sun to rise and oxygen to enter your lungs everyday, over and over. You expect the tides to ebb and flow. You don’t doubt these natural things.

That is the energy of expectation.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts


1. Do you bring the energy of expectation to your money world??? Do you expect money to flow in your direction? Why not?  Is it because you tried it “once or twice” and it didn’t work? Is it because you’ve experienced a series of failures with money?   What made you stop expecting miracles? (with money)  Do you want to change that expectation?

2. What can you ask your Spirit Team for help with? Have you asked Money Angels for help? Have you asked the Money Priestess Angel for help?  Ask now.

3. What do you want?  If nothing bad could happen, what would you really want? Can you bring the energy of expectation to that desire?

Card #6 – Imprints

If you received this card today, it’s time to uncover energetic imprints affecting your thoughts, beliefs, body and soul. 

You are the one who diminishes or amplifies the effect of energetic imprints.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts

1. Where are you still carrying imprints from experiences of rejection? humiliation? betrayal? criticism? failure? loss? injustice?

Write it down.  Will you amplify or diminish the imprint of this experience? Choose.


2.  Where are you carrying imprints from experiences of success? prosperity? joy? love? compassion? acceptance? surprising wins? 

Write them down. 

Do you want to amplify or diminish the imprint of this experience?  How will you do it?


Card #7 – Responsibility

If you received this card today, it’s time to claim the control you DO have over your money story.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts


1. Maybe you continue to tell a story (even if the story is true, it’s still a story you’re telling) and by telling the story it absolves you of your part in it.

How can you shift the way you see your part in that story to give yourself more power?  

Create two columns.
In column 1 – Write out everything you can think of around your money situation.
In column 2 – Write out where you will create a new version of that story for yourself.


2.  What can you do today to show yourself that YOU are THE ONE who makes the difference in your own life and in your own money story?


3. Where do you notice that you have not taken responsibility for something in your surroundings? your thinking? your finances?

Card #8 – Spirit Team

If you received this card today, it’s a reminder your Spirit Team is waiting for directions from you.

Ask them to intervene on your behalf with any aspect of your money story.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts


1. When is the last time you dedicated a set time each day for a series of days to connect with your Spirit Team?

2. Who makes up your Spirit Team?

Even people you know, follow, admire in everyday life could be part of your Spirit Team if their message empowers you and you sense their spirit influencing your thoughts or the way you see yourself.

3. Map out the invisible allies supporting you in your life, your work, your business, your finances.

Card #9 – Wisdom of the Body

If you received this card today, it’s a reminder to consult your body for messages that liberate your money story.

Your body remembers literally everything that has ever happened to you. 

Ask your body to support your financial dreams.


Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts


1. When you quiet your mind, do you notice any parts of your body speaking to you via pain, numbness, stiffness?  Focus on the sensations and track them as they move in response to your focus.

2. Can you spend 5-10 minutes a day, just paying attention to the sensations of your body? After a few days, what do you notice?  How are these sensations creating a metaphor around your money story?

3. When you spend, save or worry about money, do you notice anything about how your body reacts?