250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com
For You

For You

A Christmas Blessing may You find beauty in the dark may You breathe love in your solitude may You know that hope exists may You find miracles in the everyday with love, Susan xox Save

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There’s an F word for that

There’s an F word for that

Yes, today is all about the F word. Of course, if you've spent a weekend in the company of extended family you may be muttering that other F word.    (!) ...uh-oh... While the original F word can be hugely satisfying + a super-charge release of energy I have another...

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Sniper Thoughts + The Spaghetti Western Cure

Can't you hear it? The theme music from a spaghetti western movie? (Hit PLAY while you read the post...) I know you've been there... Let's set the scene... You're just having a life...peacefully walking the dog, driving to the grocery store, or something really simple...

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The Harder I Work…The Luckier I Get!

The Harder I Work…The Luckier I Get!

I know, I know... ...you read on everyone else's blogs that hard work is old school. It's not. Having a biz means you'll have a load of tasks + be faced with your own fears + doubts + old, familiar, safe mindsets (that must change). Because you are compelled to create...

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My Secret for getting things done

My Secret for getting things done

My Secret Tools Sometimes those daytimers + google calendars + digital checklists just DON'T work! I am one of those people who LOVES planning...especially on a blank piece of paper.   When the paper is clear + blank (+ my Sharpies are close by) my life becomes a...

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