250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com

Can’t you hear it?

The theme music from a spaghetti western movie?

(Hit PLAY while you read the post…)

I know you’ve been there…

Let’s set the scene…

You’re just having a life…peacefully walking the dog, driving to the grocery store,

or something really simple like…getting out of bed

and you are attacked

by a gun-slinging outlaw Sniper Thought!

Sniper Thoughts can hit you from any direction…sometimes you can even see them coming.  You tell yourself it will all be okay…and it’s NOT.

Sniper Thoughts are by nature deadly.

Sniper Thoughts interrupt a perfectly peaceful walk to convince you that

something insulting, nasty or undermining that someone said to you

or that you said to yourself

(probably yesterday or even a week ago + which you had previously dismissed)

is actually true or has some basis in truth.

If this happens to you take action …SHOOT  BACK!

The Spaghetti Western Cure

1.  Start humming the spaghetti western theme music

2.  Slouch like a whiskered Clint Eastwood  (remember…you have a cigarello hangin’ out the side of your mouth)

3.  Keep your hands on your holster + your eyes on those sombrero’d sniper thoughts

4.  Quickdraw!   Your aim is true…(obviously..you’re Clint).  Those Sniper Thoughts…dead.

5.  Nod…and keep humming…

I can’t imagine those thoughts being able to hit their mark with accuracy while you’re humming Ennio’s theme music…

Honestly…it works!  I challenge you to try it…

The next time you have attack thoughts…hit ’em with the Spaghetti Western Cure.





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