250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com

Soul Coaching + Energetics


Feng Shui Magic

Parts Exploration

Somatic Healing

Nervous System Care

Are you ready for a creative partnership that nourishes

your heart

your business

your success?


I know you’re someone who walks through life heart-first

You honor your grief, your dreams, desires + your feelings of disconnection as a way to tend to your soul

And…you don’t want to do this alone anymore.

You’re ready to invite an experienced soul coach to partner with you on your business dreams and projects.


This is how I can help

Consider how your soul is speaking to you right now.  Usually it’s our feelings that get our attention first.  Sometimes it’s a dream or intuitive knowing. You can trust your personal energy system however it speaks to you.

I help you unwind + de-energize the emotions and sensations that are creating a negative charge for you.  Your internal programming will become less fractured, more intact and whole. Soul work can lead you out of deep grief, confusion, anxiety, anger, fear + loss of hope.

Together we strategize, dream and create a new trajectory for your life + your work.

We instigate a resurgence of creative energy in your work.



I focus on success through soul work + somatic care.

I can help.  It’s what I do. 

You’re one click away from booking this call and exploring this partnership.

Let’s create a magical, divine template for your life + your work.




The part of the brain that

holds trauma + distress

is different from

the part of the brain

involved in talking.

Which means that even if you are excited to move forward with a new project or dream, you may not be able to.

Traditional coaching relies on conversation, questions, set processes or maybe even “intuition” around what you need to move forward.

But you don’t necessarily need to know what’s wrong or talk about what you need at length.

The body has wisdom that safeguards you so when you feel unsafe or wary, even in your work, your body’s nervous system may block, over-activate or shut you down.

We can work with what is showing up in your body and your movement patterns and reconnect your ancient and emotional brain with your decision-making, creative brain.

As you hit roadblocks, being willing to engage in somatic healing practices + a variety of limbic brain healing processes can release the power past traumas have to stop you in life.

Gratitude and Acknowledgement

I live, work and play on the unceded traditional territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples and the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples.

Every day I deepen my spiritual connection with this land, swimming at dawn in the Salish Sea and offering blessings to the animals, the community and myself.  I am so happy and grateful for my life here.