250-888-2432 [email protected]

Space clearing and house blessing

Your home has consciousness. Your home has a living spirit.

Just as people are nourished by the way we hold them in our hearts and thoughts, our homes are nourished as well by the way we hold them in our hearts and thoughts.

When you do space clearing – you help your home become healthier. It`s a kind of house blessing.

The more love and reverence you bring to your home, the more it can bring to your life. Without this care, your home may become inanimate and lifeless. 


Susan is a delight to work with. After clearing my new clinic space I immediately had an increase in bookings and patients reported a fresh balanced energy in the space. Definitely worthwhile and very effective.

C. Moffatt



How can you change the energy in your home?

You can make a connection with your home that will help you grow and evolve and bring your dreams to life.

You can shift your personal consciousness by shifting the energy in your home.

You are intimately connected with the home you live in.  You are as connected with your home as you are with your breath.

I help you understand how to change the energy in your home for the better. By changing the energy in your home – you change your life for the better!

E-course with Susan

Don`t know how to change the energy in your home?  Learn some simple tools.

One awesome month of creating sacred space and house blessings…feng shui healing for you and your home!