250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com

Knowing, also, as even the scientific world attests, that we are apart of an interconnected universe, in which the smallest movement of a butterfly’s wing could actually have an effect on the whole system, I can imagine that each of us generates ripples of influence through who we are, what we do whether we love and if we pray and that someday we shall know.

(Jean Shinoda Bolen)


People who can access friendships during times of transformation and tumult, experience greater resilience.  And it only takes one friend.

I’ve been so lucky!  I’ve had a handful of friends this year who have listened to me, called, texted, messaged, skyped, prayed, imagined, laughed and laughed and laughed and sat quietly and taken it all in.   They’ve just been present and that presence has increased my balance and made it possible to quietly move forward.

They haven’t been the friendships I’ve nurtured in the last 15 years either.

Go figure.

They have been super old ones from childhood and high school.  And super new baby ones from my new life as an intuitive life coach.

Fascinating. (to me)