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Pray for Best Outcome

Pray for Best Outcome

Prayer or non-attachment

Angeles Arrien, anthropologist + author, speaks of 4 guiding principles in life:

1.  Show up.

2.  Pay attention.

3.  Speak your truth.

4.  Don’t be attached to outcome.


Jean Shinoda Bolen alters that slightly:

1.  Show up.

2.  Pay attention.

3.  Speak your truth.

4.  Pray for best outcome.


Great advice for when we are thinking…

what’s going to happen next?  for someone else…or the self.

What do you think? 

Prayer or non-attachment? 

Which is resonant for you right now?


Also, on those lists….the #3’s “speak your truth” is a recurrent theme in the forgiveness world.  It’s one way to help us set the boundaries we need to thrive.  Speak your truth…very important…scary but important!






Addiction is a Spiritual Malady

Addiction is a Spiritual Malady

There is something missing, something that needs to be healed and we try to fill this void.

The addiction takes you away from the spirit and you try to fill it with food, power, work, material goods, shopping, sex, gambling.

The roots are deep in childhood or perhaps another lifetime.  There is always hope and there are many roads to wholeness.

For You

For You

A Christmas Blessing

may You find beauty in the dark

may You breathe love in your solitude

may You know that hope exists

may You find miracles in the everyday

with love,




Forgiveness + Business {10 Steps to Increasing Your Energy For Biz}

Forgiveness + Business {10 Steps to Increasing Your Energy For Biz}

Energy cords

Forgiveness + Business.

Many moons ago I heard Oprah say,




“Forgiveness means giving up the hope that the past could have been different.”


I wrote that down.  I loved it.

Since then, I have learned even if you logically accept the past is in the past, it doesn’t mean all your energy is with you now in present time.

You may be physically + psychologically in present time.  You take actions that move you forward in your life.   You work hard.  You also feel tired or frustrated that things are not moving as quickly or smoothly or as synchronistically as you’d like.

Your mind + body have let go of the past but your spirit has not.

Your spirit may not be energetically 100% in present time.

How does this impact your business TODAY?

If you have NOT forgiven someone or some event in your past then you still have energy from present time that is being siphoned to the past.



This means that you have less energy available for business NOW.


Don’t worry…you can help yourself.  Keep reading.

Okay…imagine this.  (Like…close your eyes + imagine…do it now…).


Imagine your body.   Standing up.  (Kinda like my little drawing above…)


There are 100 energy cords emerging from the image of your body. (Probably from the back of you…in the direction of the past.)


These cords are available to connect to some past event or relationship in your life.



See a past event that bothers you.

Notice how many of those 100 energy cords from your body are still attached to that past event.

Intuitively…imagine…how many cords?  81?  64?  23?


Now that you have imagined this…how many cords can you pull back into your present time?

You’ll probably notice that quite a few can be pulled back just with your awareness that you were still connected in some way to the past.


Now that you’ve noticed and intuitively pulled your energy back to present time, how many cords are still connected to the past event?  54?  17?  You’ll have your own number.


Put your hand on your heart.

Say, “It’s safe for me to have more energy in present time.”

You will probably notice that you can pull more cords to present time.  You will have fewer cords connecting you to that past event.


How many cords still connecting you to the past event?  46?  12?  4?


Hand on heart.  Say, “I am willing to release that person/event.  I am willing to let go of this issue that keeps us connected.”

You may notice that you are able to pull a few more cords back.


Whatever cords are left…ask yourself what would have to happen for you to pull these cords back to present time?

Journal, pray or talk to a friend about this.

Even if you still have a few energy cords connecting you to the past event, it will be less + you will begin noticing an increasing willingness to want to feel good + let go of energetic connections that drain you.

Over the last 10 years I have lived with this process using it for myself, clients + friends.  

I have experienced significantly more energy available for present time in play, work + relationships.

I’d love to hear your results with this!    I love it when readers leave comments!



There’s an F word for that

There’s an F word for that

forgiveYes, today is all about the F word.

Of course, if you’ve spent a weekend in the company of extended family you may be muttering that other F word.    (!)


While the original F word can be hugely satisfying + a super-charge release of energy I have another idea for you today.



I know we hear that Gratitude is the key to a more satisfying life.  This is true AND not complete (in my humble opinion).

My experience is that I’ve just never seen the kind of miraculous results from a  Gratitude practice that I’ve seen from a Forgiveness practice.

Pros and Cons of Forgiveness


  1. Forgiveness can heal physical ailments quickly. (I don’t know why exactly except I’ve experienced this myself and seen it in others.)
  2. Gives you an emotional lift that may override devastating financial losses.
  3. Releases you from the emotional pain of child abuse.
  4. Frees up more love in your heart which you can then share with yourself or other people.
  5. Allows you to live in present time, rather than past time.
  6. May give you the inner juice + confidence you need to walk away from abusive relationships with family, friends, lovers, work mates or bosses.
  7. Heals broken hearts.
  8. May help you live longer.
  9. Forgiveness releases stress.
  10. May erase some of the lines of age on your face.
  11. Will put the twinkle back in your eye.
  12. Creates inner peace.
  13. Creates emotional clarity.
  14. Can shorten your to-do list. (Because you’re not trying to be an action figure to hide the emotional pain you carry…yes, sometimes people/women become human doers to hide their inner pain and resentment.)
  15. Instant forgiveness is possible.
  16. There is no shelf life on the effectiveness of Forgiveness.   You will feel better whether you forgive now or in twenty years.  If you Forgive now you will feel better now.  If you wait twenty years….why would you wait twenty years to feel better?  (sheesh…)


  1. Not all that needs to be forgiven is easy to forgive.  Sometimes Forgiveness is the last thing you want to do when you really need to do it + can most benefit from it.
  2. It’s not as easy as Gratitude.  Forgiveness means consciously walking into the places that are shadowy and dusty + where the light has not been shining + sweeping them out.
  3. Sometimes Forgiveness can not be done alone.  Sometimes you need a friend, supporter, guide or spiritual permission-giver to get the job done.
  4. We weren’t taught how to overcome the resentment feelings.  Resentment feelings are the reason we DON’T forgive.   As children + teens we probably practiced saying “I’m sorry” and “It’s okay” and were expected to get on with things and that all would be well.  There was little attention given to where the pain was lodged after an offense + how it may sit there and the “it’s okay” was not really “okay”.
  5. Unforgiveness may be something you inherited from your ancestors + you may not really find it easy to let go of past hurts.
  6. You might not know what to put in place of the things you’ve forgiven.  You may unconsciously come up with new things to have to forgive, new dramas and hurts and transgressions in your life in order to feel safe.  Yes…if we’ve carried unforgiveness and resentments, they’ve got a niche inside our spirits that keep us anchored to a place in time and space.  Letting that go may create feelings of insecurity.  Feeling lighter and less burdened may take some getting used to!

How to Forgive

The how-to is actually another blog post.

It’s also…a live workshop (in 2014).

How to forgive is, in fact, a whole e-course…an entire digital retreat.


For today…


Decide if you have something you would like to place under the light of Forgiveness.


If you do, then place it there.  The awareness that you have something you may like to forgive is where we all start.


Choose blame or change 403

Forgiveness creates miracles, expands self-love, sparks synchronicity + exposes us to a true sense of Peace on Earth.


Sniper Thoughts + The Spaghetti Western Cure

Can’t you hear it?

The theme music from a spaghetti western movie?

(Hit PLAY while you read the post…)

I know you’ve been there…

Let’s set the scene…

You’re just having a life…peacefully walking the dog, driving to the grocery store,

or something really simple like…getting out of bed

and you are attacked

by a gun-slinging outlaw Sniper Thought!

Sniper Thoughts can hit you from any direction…sometimes you can even see them coming.  You tell yourself it will all be okay…and it’s NOT.

Sniper Thoughts are by nature deadly.

Sniper Thoughts interrupt a perfectly peaceful walk to convince you that

something insulting, nasty or undermining that someone said to you

or that you said to yourself

(probably yesterday or even a week ago + which you had previously dismissed)

is actually true or has some basis in truth.

If this happens to you take action …SHOOT  BACK!

The Spaghetti Western Cure

1.  Start humming the spaghetti western theme music

2.  Slouch like a whiskered Clint Eastwood  (remember…you have a cigarello hangin’ out the side of your mouth)

3.  Keep your hands on your holster + your eyes on those sombrero’d sniper thoughts

4.  Quickdraw!   Your aim is true…(obviously..you’re Clint).  Those Sniper Thoughts…dead.

5.  Nod…and keep humming…

I can’t imagine those thoughts being able to hit their mark with accuracy while you’re humming Ennio’s theme music…

Honestly…it works!  I challenge you to try it…

The next time you have attack thoughts…hit ’em with the Spaghetti Western Cure.