by Susan Seale | Aug 22, 2024 | Energy Medicine, Intuition and Other Invisible Tools, Entrepreneurship, Intuitive counselling
Can you hear your intuition??
Your eyes, your heart, your gut…they know what’s coming before your brain does.
Pay attention when you have a “gut feeling”!
It’s not just a saying.
Your nervous system includes your gut and is your second brain.
This second brain processes information and sends signals to your first brain.
So when you feel something in your gut, pay attention… it’s your intuition.
Your Intuitive Brain Is Fast
Your intuitive brain processes information at 11 million bits per second.
Your conscious mind is slow at 40 bits per second.
So when you get that instant “knowing,” your really should trust it.
Your intuition has already decided while your conscious mind has not even booted up yet.
SUPERPOWER Pattern Recognition
Your subconscious mind is constantly taking in and processing information. It recognizes patterns you’re not even aware of. Things you’ve seen and heard and felt but don’t consciously remember.
When your intuition lights up, it’s drawing on a vaaaast database of all your experiences and everything you know.
In the somatic healing world, your breath and your awareness are your super powers
Next time you have to make a decision or you’re in a jam, try this:
1. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
2. Ask yourself the question, the thing you need an answer for.
3. Pay attention to the first sensation in your body or that thing that pops into your mind.
That’s your intuition talking.
It’s safe to listen.
If you know you want to cross that next threshold in your business and in your life,
and you KNOW you need to strengthen your connection to that wisest part of yourself,
contact me today.
Follow that intuitive nudge right now and set up a conversation with me. Let’s see if I can be the support you need to move forward in your life or your business.
by Susan Seale | Mar 8, 2020 | Energy Medicine, Intuition and Other Invisible Tools, Intuitive counselling, Money Priestess
AromaFreedom Technique Tools
As we move through the AFT process we identify feelings in present time as well as feelings that may be associated with past events and then use special essential oil blends to help move through those feelings.
This Feeling Wheel has been such a useful tool for me, sometimes in preparing for a session, in reviewing a session or for my client to use directly.
At the core of this chart there are 6 feeling words: mad, sad, scared, joyful, powerful, peaceful
Each one expands outward with words that can be ever so much more descriptive.
There are many kinds of feeling wheels…do a google search for feeling wheel, click “images” and see the huge variety!

by Susan Seale | Feb 14, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, Intuitive counselling

” The invisible power of women’s circles on the women in them grows out of the power that people have on one another, which is extraordinary.
Anyone’s self-esteem, accomplishment, development of talent, has to do with whether we have been listened to and valued, loved for ourselves, encouraged and supported to do what we believed we could do.
When there is psychological or practical support for making a significant change, change is more likely to happen. That others believe in us, or have the same perspective we have, or are role models, has a powerful and invisible effect.
The power to resist the collective comes from being in a small circle with like-minded others. It allows us to keep on in the face of ridicule or opposition that we don’t know what we are talking bout, or don’t belong wherever it is that we want to be.” (Jean Shinoda Bolen)
Who are the people in your life who listen to
and value what you say and who you are?

We all need someone(s) to bear witness when we are struggling, changing, suffering, confused, wondering, seeking.
I am adept at managing and trying to wind my way through challenges independently and what I’ve discovered is that when I really NEED help…it would be better if I would actually stop being so independent. This is a sign I’ve fallen into a well-worn adaptive pattern.
My early childhood years were a bit chaotic (and full of love) and what it meant is I learned not to depend on the grown-ups around me. I learned to try to support myself, work it out myself, lean on myself. It was ever so much easier to just lead my life by myself.
It really works for me even now that I know better!
It exhausts me, frustrates me and leaves me without access to the ease I really crave in my life.
I recall learning from the world around me that women’s circles were a bit scary because the women in them were scary to my young self. Many of the women in my family didn’t have the ability to effectively interact with someone as sensitive as my very young girl self.
In my 20’s, while working as a classroom teacher, I had the opportunity to experience circles of women in my profession. They were a bit scary to me too. I found safety in becoming a leader in this world. I didn’t really like depending on these women though. They were not the kind of social circle that encouraged creativity or risk-taking or soft, tender heart-opening work.
I avoided circles of women for decades.
I learned that I prefer private counselling when I’m struggling.
I won’t share my vulnerabilities as freely with a group.
And that’s ok.
As an older adult, I’ve been fortunate to discover there are lovely, encouraging, supportive, beautiful women’s circles.
And I take part when I feel called.
I offer to lead or co-lead circles in my own home. This is possible now because of a business I ran for 20 years.
In the 1990’s, I opened a music and movement school for babies and children. I became the queen of a tiny kingdom. It was wonderful!
I had the huge blessing to have facilitated thousands of circles with moms and dads and their infants and young children through my music and movement work at Musicalia.
This was ever so much safer than being with JUST women.
There was a kind of safety in this work that can really only exist when we all have a single focus on our younger generation and everyone is offering respect to one another.
This looked like softer gazes, a willingness to forgive, a willingness to try harder to understand and feel compassion for others and leading these groups I could feel that flow and connection between the members of every class. I was able to call that out in so many people because of the social/energetic containers or structures I created for the families.
These small groups of 8 families or less, allowed us all to resist collectives at schools, in the parking lot, on the parent advisory boards, in our extended families and in the outer community.
Time spent weekly with these like-minded folk, gave us all a shared sense of the importance of kindness and cooperation as we sang, talked, danced and played music.
This would never have been possible without the nurturing care of my own counsellors. Taking the time to heal my own heart in therapy during my 20’s and 30’s helped me to grow up. It helped me to grow into the kind of person who could hold space for others.
I think I would affectionately be referred to as “the wounded healer”…someone who has sustained deep emotional wounding and done the inner work to become a safe haven for others searching to heal their own inner wounds.
Maybe you are in the process of healing inner wounds or wish there was a safe place for you to bring light to those shadowy places inside. If that’s you, I have created a healing space designed for the exact purpose. It’s called Breathing Space.
Read more about Breathing Space here
I invite you to contact me for an initial conversation.
by Susan Seale | Sep 5, 2018 | Energy Medicine, Intuition and Other Invisible Tools, Intuitive counselling
Intuitive counselling is a conversation, a non-judgmental way of approaching the healing relationship.
Respectfully holding space for you story using a process of compassionate inquiry combined with insights I share during our intuitive readings or bodywork sessions, we bring healing to your life.
I believe there is a connections between your body’s ailments and your emotional pain to your past experiences, your diet, your environment, your thoughts and beliefs. Whatever discomfort or imbalance you wish to address, intuitive counselling is offfered in a supportive environment, without judgment.
Working with your mind means working with the entire body.
Your body holds truth. Life situations, experiences, things you have witnessed and watched, leave traces in your being and your vibrational field.
For instance, trauma that has not been processed is stored in your body waiting for you to acknowledge it, feel it, and let it move through you. Trauma is patient. It can wait for decades until you feel ready, safe and open to healing that part of your life’s journey.
Sometimes it’s not that you have experienced a physical trauma but you hold limiting thoughts that create a limited experience of life. You may already know you’re doing this but you are not able to resource the change within yourself. Together we create a space for you to bring healing to this experience.
It’s not all conversation if bodywork and energy healing is part of the healing process. Our time together may include the use of essential oils to affect deep emotional shifts, the calming energetics provided by crystal healing, color therapy, movement therapy, nutritional suggestions, visualizations, prayer and guided meditations,
In a mind-body-soul healing process, the soul does not need healing, it is eternal and whole at all times.
Reconnecting to the power of your soul brings healing to your bodymind when you give it the time and space for that to happen.
You probably know well what it feels like to be out of step with yourself and it’s not a great feeling.
So close your eyes right now
Simply let the idea of body-mind-soul alignment drop into your heart
and down through your belly.
Breathe in the clear, clean space that instantly appears with the idea of that connection.
Alignment with soul…your eternal nature…your wholeness…will bring relief, peace, wisdom and inner resourcefulness to your life.
The result for you will be greater flow in your life. You will be able to ride the waves, storms and seasons of your life with increasing ease.
I offer single sessions and packages for Intuitive Counselling.
Click below to schedule a free inquiry call so you can step into a new version of yourself.
by Susan Seale | Aug 14, 2018 | Energy Medicine, Intuition and Other Invisible Tools, Intuitive counselling, Money Priestess

AFT – Recovering from trauma
AFT is a step-by-step process using essential oils to trigger a permanent shift in how we experience ourselves and the world.
AFT is a tool for clearing traumatic memory. AFT is a tool for clearing blocks, negative memories and stressful memories. You do not have to believe in the process for it to work and be effective.
Introducing the aroma of specific essential oils at the right point in the process of recall can break apart this memory complex and thereby restructure the implicit learning connected with the memory. Results are consistent with the most recent research on Memory Reconsolidation.
How does it work?
We use beautiful, healing essential oils as part of the healing process because essential oils affect the memory centers of the brain extremely quickly.
Memories that are stressful or traumatic are stored based on the feeling of the event, not on the details of the event.
The memory is stored as a complex of images/thoughts/feelings/body sensations.
Our emotional learning is based on this memory complex.
When specific essential oils are used at the right point in the process of recall, they can break apart a memory complex and restructure your connection with the memory.
Consider this. Our conscious mind makes assumptions.
Our conscious mind assumes that the memory creating stress or trauma is the one we consciously present.
This isn’t always the case.
With AFT we allow the unconscious mind to access our memories
and present us with the events we may have forgotten
or have not connected with our current concern.
AFT is an amazing tool to use as part of intuitive counselling.
We honor what arises in each session regardless of what it is. Sometimes the events that are recalled seem unrelated but it’s the energetic imprint of that event we are healing.
by Susan Seale | Jul 12, 2018 | Energy Medicine, Intuition and Other Invisible Tools, Intuitive counselling, Money Priestess, Resilience
Consider this
We don’t HAVE energy, we ARE energy!
Your being consists of more than its physical presence.
Your experiences from babyhood and throughout your life are held in the memory centers of your brain AND ALSO as flowing or congealed energy in your physical, emotional and subtle energy bodies.
In other words, the stories of your life, your attitudes, beliefs and perspectives are held in the muscles and organs of your body AND ALSO those invisible energy fields emitted from your physical body called subtle energy bodies and auric bodies.
Everything gets stored! The good stories and the not-so-good stories.
Sometimes the way we hold our stories and experiences causes us illness, stress, pain, depression, anxiety (and more…).
We can get caught in downward spirals.
In the past our technology wasn’t sophisticated enough to measure changes in our energetic system and now it is.
There are studies and courses focussed solely on the science behind the effectiveness of energy healing modalities like EFT, Reiki, meditation, acupuncture and yoga.
Increasingly, energy medicine is being recommended as a wellness tool for both mental, physical and spiritual health.
Energy medicine can look like:
- a reframe of our stories
- a combination of tapping on the meridians of the body while speaking about the things that are distressing you
- the use of pure, potent essential oils to stimulate the limbic system (which is connected to the memory centers of the brain) to shift the way a memory is stored so it no longer causes you distress
- a trance or guided meditation
- prayer
- mindfulness practices
- the use of tuning forks touching our spine to stimulate the chakra centers
- the use of entrainment to bring you to a healing breath rate through rhythm or vibration
- hands-on healing
- reiki
- intuitive energy massage (which includes reiki, white light healing, chakra balancing, cranial sacral and gentle body pulling)
- quantum touch
- Body Talk
- feathering your aura
- aromatherapy
- yoga
- a long walk
- acupuncture
- massage
- conscious speech
- singing
- toning
- color therapy
- crystal healing
- a salt bath infused with organic, specially blended essential oils designed to bring balance to your chakra (energy) system
- space clearing
- the practice of feng shui
Energy medicine practitioners and energy healers are trained in their respective modalities.
They can help you very quickly bring awareness to the energetic sources of your distress, illness, frustration, painful emotion.
Sometimes your awareness is unnecessary.
Sometimes the healing work can be done remotely.
Sometimes just your willingness to show up and allow your healing guide to work their magic by bringing peace to your physical and energetic systems is all is takes.
I have been learning, training and practicing energy healing for years.
If you would like support to bring healing to some aspect of your life,
give yourself permission to ask for help and to be well,
whatever that looks like for you.
Inquire below.