250-888-2432 [email protected]

Dear Beautiful Friend,

I have had a creation living in my mind since 2013.

It’s called Inspirata and it’s a collective of women who create purpose in their lives and prosperity in their work through staying super-connected to spirit.

This spiritual foundation, our connection with our innermost self and our connection with our eternal self, is actually THE thing that feels most important to us.

It’s our sanctuary. It’s the nest we seek to replenish and find solace.

It’s what allows us to thrive as we serve our clients, our patients, our students, our customers, our families and our friends.

I let go of my Inspirata idea when my life changed and I found myself single (again) living on my own, navigating a divorce and trying to figure out how my life was going to work.  All my energies went into survival.

I don’t know that it was the right move, to be honest, putting all my energies into survival instead of creativity. Maybe if I’d continued on with my creative ideas then, that whole transition might have been a little easier on me. Maybe not.

What I do know is that I have many more skills and inner resources now because of that transition time.

During January 2018’s super-blue-blood-lunar-eclipse I felt a huge surge of energy to bring people together. It kind of took over actually…to the point that I found myself on Vistaprint making invites and cards for this and not knowing how to actually get it all going with dates and place and what I would offer to you exactly.

Because the surge of energy was so purposeful, I didn’t want to not do it.
I really wanted to DO it. So I did it.

And it was beautiful!


Now…I’m inviting you to be part of the next Inspirata Collective gathering.

I envisioned these circles as a kind of celebration. Together we create space to create clarity in some area of our lives or business.

Relaxed, supportive, gentle gatherings with the potential for healing and understanding. Experiences that uplift your sense of self, support prosperity and nurture a sense of thriving in life.

Our first gathering was during the full moon in March on Friday, March 2 at my home in the afternoon.  The full moon considered a cosmically impactful time to release that which you no longer need.

These gatherings are not yet regular but if you’d like to be included in the next one, please let me know.

I would love to see you here.

with love!