250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com


Consider this

We don’t HAVE energy, we ARE energy!

Your being consists of more than its physical presence.

Your experiences from babyhood and throughout your life are held in the memory centers of your brain AND ALSO as flowing or congealed energy in your physical, emotional and subtle energy bodies.


In other words, the stories of your life, your attitudes, beliefs and perspectives are held in the muscles and organs of your body AND ALSO those invisible energy fields emitted from your physical body called subtle energy bodies and auric bodies.


Everything gets stored!  The good stories and the not-so-good stories.

Sometimes the way we hold our stories and experiences causes us illness, stress, pain, depression, anxiety (and more…). 


We can get caught in downward spirals.

In the past our technology wasn’t sophisticated enough to measure changes in our energetic system and now it is. 

There are studies and courses focussed solely on the science behind the effectiveness of energy healing modalities like EFT, Reiki, meditation, acupuncture and yoga. 

Increasingly, energy medicine is being recommended as a wellness tool for both mental, physical and spiritual health.

Energy medicine can look like:

  • a reframe of our stories
  • a combination of tapping on the meridians of the body while speaking about the things that are distressing you
  • the use of pure, potent essential oils to stimulate the limbic system (which is connected to the memory centers of the brain) to shift the way a memory is stored so it no longer causes you distress


  • a trance or guided meditation
  • prayer
  • mindfulness practices


  • the use of tuning forks touching our spine to stimulate the chakra centers
  • the use of entrainment to bring you to a healing breath rate through rhythm or vibration
  • hands-on healing


  • reiki
  • intuitive energy massage (which includes reiki, white light healing, chakra balancing, cranial sacral and gentle body pulling)
  • quantum touch


  • Body Talk
  • feathering your aura
  • aromatherapy


  • yoga
  • a long walk
  • acupuncture
  • massage
  • conscious speech


  • singing
  • toning
  • color therapy
  • crystal healing


  • a salt bath infused with organic, specially blended essential oils designed to bring balance to your chakra (energy) system
  • space clearing
  • the practice of feng shui


Energy medicine practitioners and energy healers are trained in their respective modalities. 

They can help you very quickly bring awareness to the energetic sources of your distress, illness, frustration, painful emotion. 

Sometimes your awareness is unnecessary. 

Sometimes the healing work can be done remotely. 

Sometimes just your willingness to show up and allow your healing guide to work their magic by bringing peace to your physical and energetic systems is all is takes.

I have been learning, training and practicing energy healing for years.

If you would like support to bring healing to some aspect of your life,

give yourself permission to ask for help and to be well,

whatever that looks like for you.

Inquire below.