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“As we grow older, especially if we are outer-directed, it is not difficult to find more and more to whine about.  This poses a risk of a negative transformation into the archetypal martyr-mother.”


“She resisted the temptation to call me up and whine when confronted with the daunting task of unpacking and beginning a new life.  Instead she play-acted an exaggerated version of her whiner, with just herself as the audience, and then kept on with what had to be done.”  (Crones Don’t Whine by Jean Shinoda Bolen)

So I suggest taking time for yourself.





Eat food you love.

Watch the sun rise because it reassures you and is nourishment for your soul.

Moon gaze because it reminds you of the connections you have to stardust.

If you feel whiny I really think you just need more time to yourself.  Go inward.