Activate your new identity & relationship with money!
Use the Money Priestess ™ Cards to
receive guidance!
1. CHOOSE A CARD: Bring your body to stillness. Breathe deeply. Click on the Pink Feather to choose a card.
2. REFLECT: Below the card deck are excerpts from The Guidebook to support your release of judgments, fears & memories creating blocks to your prosperity. Complete the Journal Prompts for that card.
3. ACTIVATE: Choose new beliefs that support your personal power. Decide what those beliefs will be. Write them out and let your new belief become a driving force in your life.
Why the Pink Feather?
In many cultures feathers are worn on the head
to facilitate healing powers of prayer, meditation and visioning.
Feathers are reminders of angels, light-beings and for a Money Priestess,
a symbol of the connection between the seen and the unseen.

If you’re ready to activate the message of the card you received today
scroll through the images below to find your card.
Activate a new identity.
Create a new money story.

Card #1 Before the Womb
If you received this card today, you need the medicine of your own eternal light.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. Can you imagine yourself without a body existing as a shining light…and sense your own inner brilliance?How does it feel? What do you see?
2. How can you maintain a connection with that aspect of your being? Who are you when you are the light?
…..more journal prompts, prayer and mantras found in the guidebook

Card #2 – Catalyst
If you received this card today, it’s time to update your identity as a person of wealth and prosperity.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. What are you enduring or putting up with (in any area of your life)? Where are you TOO patient and understanding?
2. What is the current state of your finances? Is this state reflective of a new version of yourself or an old out-dated version of yourself?
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #3 – Ease & Grace
If you received this card today, it’s time to literally stop everything you’re doing
and visualize large sums of money coming quickly and easily under grace for the highest good of all concerned.
If you have trouble doing that, complete the journal prompts below.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. Is there some underlying fear of a negative consequence to you receiving large sums of money?y are.
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #4 – Eternal Presence
If you received this card today, know there is a solution for any problem, fear or anxiety you are facing.
Be willing to soften your heart & allow yourself to connect with the medicine of your own soul.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. If it’s true that the Universe can rearrange itself in your best interest right now…what can you ask for? what do you need? Complete this sentence. It would be amazing if…….
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #5 – Expect a Miracle
If you received this card today, it’s a reminder that your expectations matter.
Attune to the inner self who knows she can do the things she sets her mind to. Bring THAT energy to your visualizations and your unsolvable problems.
What is the energy of expectation?
You expect to wake up every day. You expect the sun to rise and oxygen to enter your lungs everyday, over and over. You expect the tides to ebb and flow. You don’t doubt these natural things.
That is the energy of expectation.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. Do you bring the energy of expectation to your money world??? Do you expect money to flow in your direction? Why not? Is it because you tried it “once or twice” and it didn’t work? Is it because you’ve experienced a series of failures with money? What made you stop expecting miracles? (with money) Do you want to change that expectation?
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #6 – Imprints
If you received this card today, it’s time to uncover energetic imprints affecting your thoughts, beliefs, body and soul.
You are the one who diminishes or amplifies the effect of energetic imprints.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. Where are you still carrying imprints from experiences of rejection? humiliation? betrayal? criticism? failure? loss? injustice?
Write it down. Will you amplify or diminish the imprint of this experience? Choose.
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #7 – Overflow
If you received this card today, it’s a message for you to tend to yourself.
Imagine someone saying, “You have the best energy!” If you’re not in this state…go get yourself there.
Overflow appears in your life when your heart is so full of love, joy, curiosity, compassion and peace that the energy overflows from within you. Imagine having an overflow of money. How would that feel?
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. Who and what are you blaming? Write it down.
If you’re blaming your business for lack of success or clients, know that it’s a mirror of your deep unconscious, inner state. If you truly felt worthy of the success, the money, the clients, the respect, the things a successful business would give you…. then it would be overflowing and mirrored back to you.If it’s not being mirrored back to you, you are disconnected from source energy. There is a hole inside you that needs to be filled with Spirit!
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #8 – Responsibility
If you received this card today, it’s time to claim the control you DO have over your money story.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. Maybe you continue to tell a story (even if the story is true, it’s still a story you’re telling) and by telling the story it absolves you of your part in it.
How can you shift the way you see your part in that story to give yourself more power?
Create two columns.
In column 1 – Write out everything you can think of around your money situation.
In column 2 – Write out where you will create a new version of that story for yourself.
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #9 – Spirit Team
If you received this card today, it’s a reminder your Spirit Team is waiting for directions from you.
Ask them to intervene on your behalf with any aspect of your money story.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. When is the last time you dedicated a set time each day for a series of days to connect with your Spirit Team?
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #10 – Wisdom of the Body
If you received this card today, it’s a reminder to consult your body for messages that liberate your money story.
Your body remembers literally everything that has ever happened to you.
Ask your body to support your financial dreams.
Heal & Prosper Journal Prompts
1. When you quiet your mind, do you notice any parts of your body speaking to you via pain, numbness, stiffness? Focus on the sensations and track them as they move in response to your focus.
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook

Card #11 – When All Else Fails
If you received this card today, it’s a reminder to have fun. You know…dumb fun…playful fun…silly fun…!
Money likes to have fun just as much as you do!
If this whole life-money-thing is feeling decidedly un-fun, it’s time to remember your playful self and just drop everything and go have fun!
Remember why you’re here on the planet and what lights you up.
There are no rules that say your prosperity journey should be serious and depressing and that you can’t play, rest and feel free.
Ask yourself what would make you feel alive? The world needs you to run that kind of energy right now!
When all else fails, take a break and play!
…more journal prompts, prayers and mantras can be found in the guidebook