Feng Shui Consultations
Our lives, our happiness, our success, our health is to a very great extent influenced by the spaces in which we live and work.
We spend many hours each day in our living and work spaces.
Our spaces may be energetic supports to live our best lives or
our spaces may contribute to keeping us stuck.
My focus is to empower YOU to make the changes you need.
Be whole. Be happy. Be fulfilled.
The architecture, the energies, the placement of furniture, the items we keep visible around us
and those items we store all create our world.
Anything you do to straighten your home, will…well…straighten you out, will help energy to flow
and flow will bring good things to you.
Feng Shui is the art of balance, of balancing energy & flow in your living space.
I’ve studied ancient principles of feng shui, absorbing several different schools of thought and practice and it’s brought me to a place of freedom.
I’ve been able to move beyond
a rules-based practice,
infusing my work
with modern research &
the power of intention.
Consultations are all about you!
Not about rules and certain ways that things have to be otherwise you’ll have bad luck.
It has to do with YOUR energy and YOUR intention.
It’s the first time I’ve experienced feng shui as an art and not a hard science.
I really appreciate how you personalize the impersonal and use the framework of feng shui in a very intuitive way.
What I feel was fascinating was that you allowed feng shui to be the foundation not to be the entire experience. The study and the science of feng shui is what I’ve experienced in the past but the art and the beauty and the living essence of feng shui is something that I feel is what you brought and what you bring.
You listen with your whole body and I can honestly say that you lead with, from, and for, your heart. You allow the knowledge of feng shui to guide your inherent wisdom of what you see, feel and know about a person, about a place, about a situation.
That’s big.
You bring an extraordinary amount of joy into your practice.
Your presence infuses and imbues a space, my space, with fairy dust and you practice subtle, intangible magic. Your presence allows that essence to float to the top and the rest doesn’t even sink to the bottom, the rest is turned into fairy dust as well.
So the end product is space feels lighter, less congested, fresh. I feel lighter. More spacious.
I hate the word flow but for lack of a better word, there’s more flow. More ease and flow. It’s less dense and more spacious.

The Intentional Brilliance package is a collaboration that supports you to magnetize, energize and organize and is designed to bring peace, joy and brilliance into your life!
It recognizes your desires, your own style, needs and preferences.
There are no MUST do rules. This is about you. Not about rules.
In my practice of Feng Shui, we bring healing to your body, your mind, your spirit through the active implementation of Feng Shui principles.
Through gentle conversation, we discover the areas of your life you wish to transform.
We take action. We turn to your living and work spaces to determine what changes can be made with the intention of shifting all that you wish to shift.
Are there dreams you have that feel impossible or too far away?
There are many ways to get where you dream of being or bringing into your life. Begin now!
Online Consultations
What’s Included
Feng Shui Floorplan Magic
Your floorplan can literally help you shift how you see yourself in life! We’ll support your vision and intentions by magnetizing and energizing your space.
Personal Feng Shui Elements
To support your highest growth and brightest, most vibrant energy we look at your personal elements. All suggestions are customized to bring balance to your specific situation and intentions!
Activate Your Creativity, Self-Expression & Brilliance!
Every consultation is unique and designed to respect your innate human need for ownership, comfort and freedom. Who YOU are and what you’re creating in life can be supported through this work.
Energy Clearing Specific To Your Space
Your Feng Shui consult creates an energy of renewal. This is magic!
You receive a customized energy clearing plan and learn how to keep your home exuding a glow that nourishes you.
You Receive a ZOOM Recording of Your Complete Feng Shui Consult
Home Recommendations may include furniture layouts, style and color possibility, art, household products. All focussed on helping you create a home with the most brilliant energy to support your dreams!
Implementation Support
You’ll have questions during and after your consult.
Know that I’m available to answer all your questions.
I’m excited to work with you!
I was unable to manage the final decluttering and design of my new home and I wasn’t really ready to downsize. I was feeling stuck and was bemoaning the move I’d made. The previous owner of my new space had anxiety issues which I seemed to also be feeling in the space. I’d heard there was a previous break-in which alarmed me. I felt ungrounded in my new space.
In hindsight and as a recommendation to others, I wished I had contacted you while I was shopping for my condo, WITH you as an intuitive and objective person after showing you my previous home (which I still owned at the time)…and mentioning my finances to you, rather than just shopping with a realtor.
After you completed the space clearing ceremony, the cleansing and your suggestions, the apartment felt lighter and so did I. There was more flow to the space. I woke up early the following week with more positive energy and ready to clean and decorate. In fact, my anxiety went down so much that I felt the effects in the other areas of my life for many weeks. I’ve come to an acceptance of this new space and the comfort it will offer me.
Thank you for your gifts. They were so lovely…the fresh flowers, frankincense incense, aromatic honey and beautiful heart-shaped stone. And I’m so grateful for your generously gifted follow up sessions.
Before I met Susan, I was living in a house where some very heavy conversations had occurred. I felt stuck.
Susan’s delightful energy and the kind seriousness that she brings to her work has made it easier to live in the space while I decide my next step. I feel lighter and so does my space!
I have worked with Susan as my guide for several years as I was healing from divorce.
I contacted Susan after my divorce. She met with me, performed a space clearing and offered intuitive counselling.
Soon after, I decided to sell my home and asked her to space clear my new home as well before I engaged a contractor for a renovation.
She offered extended emotional support via text, aromatherapy, life style changes, extra counselling and healing sessions, and encouragement to choose furnishings that would allow me to feel more free in my new home.
Thanks to Susan, I am moving forward with with loss beside love. There could be no better result.
We can find it and bring it in to your life!