250-888-2432 susan@susanseale.com

Money Priestess



it’s time to heal & prosper


let’s begin…

Welcome Money Priestess




This invitation is for you if


you experience money shame


you wish you could eliminate debt


you desire miracles,

ever increasing financial flow


prosperity in your life

Is this you?

You’ve probably heard others talking about a relationship with money and you wish your relationship was more vibrant and you wish someone could help you with this.

You’ve likely read money books but may lose steam trying to bring the suggestions to life in your own world.

You may not be super wealthy (yet) or maybe you’ve had wealth and you’ve lost it and are in a rebuilding stage (you’ll get there).



Ask yourself

  1.  Is your approach to money avoidant, do you feel a bit lost or confused, you avoid looking at numbers, you resist taking action on money goals or money management goals?  your body may be in freeze mode
  2. Is your money flow inconsistent, never have enough of it?  your body may be in fight or flight mode
  3.  Do you have poor boundaries, over-give, do too much, feel disappointed in others or give up on dreams?  your body may be in a fright, collapse or faint state



Money Priestess is a community for women who are ready to

  • trust and do the work to break spells + clear their channels to receiving money
  • heal money wounds
  • experience a life that feels calm, grounded, abundant, loving (right?!)
  • trust that somatic (body-based) healing must be part of their foundation and resource for healing
  • increase their capacity to hold wealth


The Money Priestess

Energy Map

where are you?

everyday may feel different for you

you may start the day in one energy or color zone

and intentionally shift your self to another


1. Energy awareness and healing (your beliefs)

2. Vision-casting + dream-clarity (your thoughts)

3. Creating the miracle (your behaviour)



Dear Money Priestess,

you live somewhere on this spectrum

between deep red,

healing pink,

sparkling clarity of silvery white,

energetic ever-growing green

and the

abundance of liquid gold


do you have a sense where you would be right at this moment?

I joined the Money Priestess after the masterclass you delivered on the Energy Map. I have done money programs before and I instantly knew that this program was different.

I felt an instant pull because I knew that the way you address money goes beyond the actual money and addresses the whole person, the environment and the relationships.

I also loved that you go beyond the mindset and address the nervous system, energy and even our ancestry.

Your ability to hold space is quite unique, Susan. You are wise and compassionate yet you are not afraid to point out the truth. And the people you attract to your spaces are like that, too.

I have had many significant shifts while in Money Priestess. It helped me finally address deep-seated patterns that I didn’t think had anything to do with money and turned out to be the essential to resolving some of my money wounds.

Your leadership is everything I am looking for in a leader – you are wise and incredibly knowledgeable but also open and vulnerable, which is key to creating safe spaces where transformation becomes possible. You are not afraid to share your evolution with us and point out where you are struggling in a way that inspires, informs and motivates.

Aliz Merlics

The Money Priestess Program

is a

money healing

prosperity permission circle

My intention is to create

a growth and healing space for you

to dig deep,

uncover your wounds,

dissolve blocks,

build wealth,

eliminate debt,

grow your belief in your worth,

dissolve shame,

maybe you need to emotionally recover

from bankruptcy, divorce, loss, mistakes

and truly live in the golden light of your own unique vision

It’s simple

  • we heal ancestral influences, childhood memory, do akashic records work, spiritual release,
  • develop somatic resourcing, daydream and grow our visioning power,
  • practice self awareness and responsibility for spending
  • gently step into the world of systems to take better care of our money

and face our fears.

when you join the money priestesses

you step into a dedicated circle that

  • normalizes talking about money (shame, fears, mistakes)
  • celebrates your money wins
  • applauds your secret geeky love of figuring out money stuff (when you release the inner judgments your inner money geek may appear)
  • encourages you to lean into growing your ability to feel safe in your body
  • cheers you on as you own your power to create money and own money (lots of it if that’s your dream)
  • wants to do good in the world
  • wants to participate in helping other women have more personal power

About Susan

I’ve spent a lifetime on a creative path and journeyed it as an entrepreneur.  I’ve built a career helping others step into areas that intimidated or frightened them, helping stretch their wings to soar with a greater capacity for prosperity and well-being.

At times I’ve travelled a distinctly blessed money road.  But I’ve also faced and negotiated the absolute worst fears possible on my money journey. 

I really do know the ups and downs of ease and recovery.

I’ve been supporting private soul coaching clients to heal their money wounds for close to a decade, relying on my studies in education, transformational coaching, integration of inner selves, and developmental movement therapy to create a healing container for each person.

This focus eventually led me to the study of polyvagal theory and the practice of somatic healing in connection with wealth building. 

Knowing your values and feeling safe in your body when making money decisions is the key to lasting change and if that’s what you’re looking for, then you are a money priestess and I welcome you to this circle.


Money Priestess TM is a live group program, online course and lifetime membership with weekly live calls (that are recorded). 

If you have questions, please know I’m accessible and welcome your inquiries!  Let’s  talk about how I can help you create capacity to hold and grow your wealth.


Being supported and surrounded by wisdom seeking women who love to explore has been an amazing experience.

These deep, lively, passionate discussions with like-minded abundance seekers feeds my soul and my mind.

It’s rare to find a group where anyone can speak their mind, ask questions or receive feedback,  even rarer to have a leader who bares her own soul and relates her own experiences on a human level.

This unique group attracts women ready to do the work and support others while doing so. It is truly a group of big thinking, shiny-souled ladies who are geared up to do big things.

Sunny Baycroft


Why did you join the Money Priestess program?

Since I had the realization that I had money wounds and my relationship with money needed “work” I have been fascinated with learning more and healing it.  I love working with you always.

What has been the most helpful, inspiring or transformational aspect of the Money Priestess program for you?

Akashic records, Descansos, being in a community with a desire to talk about money in a safe & supportive environment.  Using magic, ritual, energy work to heal the money wounds.

I love your leadership!

Tammy Zayac

Tammy Zayac.com

I joined Money Priestess last year because I was tired of trying to change the relationship I have with money.
This past year of working in the group with Susan has been incredibly healing.
Susan has a beautiful way of leading the group that makes me feel safe to talk about things that I might never felt have felt good about sharing.
I love being in Money Priestess. I have learned so much about myself.
Iris Siriani


Visit the Money Priestess Academy



Investment $2222 Lifetime Access (payment plans available)

Money Priestess meets live Wednesday at 9 am pacific time

♥ Weekly live zoom calls on Wednesdays at 9 am pacific time

Weekly calls are recorded

♥ Monthly Akashic Records healing calls (beginning of each month)

Monthly co-work (accounting + money systems calls)  you will set up systems that make tax time easier (end of each month)

Mid-month calls focus on: manifestation, frequency, vibrational teachings, intuitive readings, spell-casting, developing and trusting your intuition, identity work, reflection and journalling to heal deep-seated beliefs

Spotlight coaching opportunities monthly so you are able to work through personal money healing with live support

♥ Registration includes access to the Money Priestess Academy Private Facebook group for community connection outside the live weekly circles

You are welcome here! ♥


whether your vision is

a dream of creative beauty

a life of simplicity & charm

or the spectacular vision of

a millionairess house with exotic travels, designer clothes and lavish vehicles


whatever your vision, Money Priestess, you CAN absolutely have it

I have a deep knowing that I am meant to live a life of abundance and financial ease,however still working through some deep inner ‘money memories’ that have kept me feeling less-than-excellent in this area of my life for a long time.

Money Priestess felt like a safe place to work through & release those issues with Susan, and other women going through the same thing.

I love knowing that I can connect to my inner Money Priestess every week if I’ve been thrown off track.  Hearing other women’s stories & supporting each other on our individual journeys and sharing our financial wins is such a blessing.

Finding deeper connection to the spiritual aspect of my finances has been a great inspiration for me – especially love Susan’s unique Money Map!

Susan, I have been so grateful for your support and guidance through my own personal journey.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating safe space for healing in all your wonderful programs.

Linda Mitchell